Wave Freeze (Control)

Wave control, this subtle art revolves around your knowledge on how waves push in or out. Many players just push the lane to show aggression and lane dominance but unfortunately this is the wrong mentality. One can still be aggressive when freezing the lane, you just have to assess the situation.

What does freezing mean?

No, we are not talking about the boys in blue here. Freezing the wave means keeping minions fighting just out of your turret range. You don’t want to let any minions be hit by the turret. In this position, you can prune ( or manage) the wave to you heart’s content.

How to achieve a freeze?

To achieve a really good freeze on has to keep allied minions in a slight disadvantage. Usually to start off you’ll have to tank minion aggro (let them hit you) for a short while until your wave crashes into it. You’ll have to tank when there are about two to three caster minions left. Some find it easier to control the wave by killing the ranged minions first, since the provide the most minion damage while melee are tanks. After that you only have to last hit and ensure that the enemy wave has always a couple of minions more than your own.

Should I push or freeze?

Push when you have the ability to ward around you. The other criteria are: when your opponent struggles to last hit under turret, has problems with mana (cannot use skills to push out waves), when opponent has to use his skills to wave-clear instead of poking (classic example, Le Blanc), or when setting a tower dive.
Don’t push when enemies are low on health (except if tower diving). It just gives them the safety of the turret for them to last hit. Pushing early against a Blitzcrank is also a bad idea since a grab would mean death under their turret. Other no push situations are when enemy laners are missing or you are getting camped. You can always ward deep to avoid the latter nasty situations.
Freeze your wave for safe last hitting. Zoning out the enemy of minions will help get a CS (creep score) advantage. Enemy laners will be more susceptible to ganks. Freezing also tends to make your laners roam more, so be careful and always alert your buddies about their whereabouts.
Don’t freeze if the enemy laner can waveclear much faster than you, especially if his skills are long ranged. This would mean that your foe can break the freeze by attacking your minions, pushing his to your turret and poke you down. Freezing is also a bad idea if you can be easily tower dived or see that enemies are roaming a lot and tower diving you.

How do I create a slow or fast push?

This section might be somewhat complex/advanced but it may still help.
In that case you can either set a slow push, by killing the damage heavy caster minions after a wave resets. Do this when u want to keep the lane from pushing to either side. The best scenario is when you are pushing out a wave that just hit your side-lane turret, before grouping up with your team again. Remember that this could allow your enemies to push up to your turret faster.
On the other hand, if you intend to either reset the wave or push it to tower, kill the tanky melee minions. This is a fast way to push the lane without physically being there (fast push) at time same time keeping it under control. Apply this when the enemy laner is roaming but you still to leave your lane and help your team-mates. This usually sets up turret sieges after a team-fight. If left and forgotten this type of push will eventually hit enemy tower and cause the opposite effect (like any long lane that gets pushed out).

Some last things, remember that a waves with a siege minion advantage heavily favours it to be pushing. Waves also naturally tend to meet in the middle, therefore a small minion advantage to one side will make it push in it’s favour. If you want to learn more see below.
SoloRenektonOnly R.I.P. (which turned to OverWatch) has a lot of wave management videos, which should interest you. Here is the link to his playlist.
anddddd we’re done. At least for now.

Good Luck, Warriors of the Rift.

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About Unknown

It's my pleasure to introduce my self..well, I'm The Geekiest. I tie my own shoes, brush my own hair, and make my own bed... (well, only if my mom isn't at home.) During the day, I can be found sitting in an office cubicle, feverishly tapping my phone with hopes of getting a new high score on Tetris. I like to spend my evenings watching re-runs of Firefly while sipping on a glass of Chardonnay. I play a mean game of rock-paper-scissors (was the national champion for 2 years straight), and love the smell of pop tarts in the morning (part of a complete breakfast!)