Statistics in League of Legends holds a spotlight on your KDA. Very little importance is given to the strategy that actually wins the game.
Some think League of Legends is all about getting kills and carrying. Did you ever lose a game even if you are up on kills? I bet you did, feelsbadman. Don’t get me wrong getting kills will usually make you stronger, but not pushing your advantage will make the games longer and the chance of the enemy team to get a comeback.
Just stop and think,
Brawls should be aimed to gain objectives. Did you just gank mid-lane, got counter-ganked, and managed to kill both? Are all the other members of the enemy team visible on the map? If both answers are yes, then you should pressure the turret. Did you catch out three enemies over extending in mid-lane? That could mean a turret, dragon or even baron.
Most people in lower elos have little sense of how to snowball their lead, or worse have no idea how to come back from an unfavourable deficit. Kills are a means to an end and not the end itself.
People are ready to chase an enemy even in groups of three for countless seconds, even half a minute after a fight, then just to recall after that kill. It’s true kills are worth gold but you can get that same gold, you are inching towards your final goal, the nexus. Remember that item disparity is most critical before 30-40min. After this time frame, champions will be close to completing their items and the gold difference wouldn’t mean much.
Getting kills will get you further ahead in the early to mid game, but only objectives will help you kill the nexus. The only expections are all dragons except the mountain drake, which enpowers your autos with true damage on towers.
So when ever you find an opponent in the jungle, fight that impulse to duel him. Fight only if necessary or if you are sure that you can get the kill and survive. Leave the rest of the fighting around objectives.
Punch hard when it matters and don’t talk about the Fight Club.
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